Vēlies iemīlēt savu ķermeni vairāk? Jogo kails!

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
Foto: Instagram

Džesa O`braiena (28) ir drosmīga sieviete, kura, sevi interneta vidē dēvējot par «Kailo blogeri» («The Nude Blogger»), 54 000 Instagram sekotāju cenšas iepazīstināt ar kailās jogas patieso burvību.

«Kailā joga man noteikti lika savu ķermeni iemīlēt vēl vairāk,» par kailo jogu stāsta Džesa. «Joga ir prāta, ķermeņa un gara kopdarbs. Ja to visu vēl paveic kails un drošā vidē - sajūtas ir fantastiskas!»

Tāpat blogere uzsver, ka kailā joga nedzīvo tikai Instagram perfekto ķermeņu foto, tā ir dzīva un perfekta arī citā vidē, nebūt ne pēc modeļu parametriem. Un tā tur ir tikpat daiļa un perfekta.

To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing! All I know is that I'm following my heart and, somehow, it has lead me to this. So here I am... Starting my own blog, sharing my innermost thoughts and putting it all out there for the world to see. ▫️ Yes, I'm nervous. To do this, I must allow myself to be vulnerable, and this is something I have struggled with in the past. But it is all a learning experience and I always encourage inner growth. I also understand the importance of honouring my Soul. ▫️ And it does feel refreshing... Creating and doing something out of love and hope. Doing something that is out of my comfort zone, but doing it because fear no longer blinds me from seeing the bigger picture. Doing something with the hopes of spreading awareness, inspiring change and cultivating compassion. ▫️ I see you... ▫️ The Nude Blogger x 📸 @dasilva___ #blog #alternative #lifestyle #taboo #consciousness #consciousliving #yoga #yogspiration #Myyogalife #vegan #plantbasedliving #travel #blogger #nude #experiencenaturism #bodyequality #getyourassintonature #raw #exposed #vulnerability #thenudeblogger

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Thank you to everyone who has played their part in helping me to get this account reactivated 🙏🏽🙏🏽 From the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul ❤️ I'm still rather shocked, but if anything... I am more overcome with gratitude and love 💖 Whilst some of the topics I discuss can be quite confronting, candid and 'taboo', I aim to spread awareness and shed light where there is dark ✨ I believe we are all on the path of evolution, and sometimes we just need to open our minds to the unknown and unfamiliar in order to grow. To expand our awareness. I believe we must learn to cultivate tolerance. We must learn to thrive in a diverse society. We must learn to set ourselves free of the restrictions of our own perceptions, and I hope my blog can help contribute to that. May love prevail over fear, and may we see truth as we experience it ✨ . Thank you, thank you, thank you again... and thank you @instagram for allowing me the chance to continue spreading my positive message 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 . . Please remember to follow my secondary/backup account @thenudeblogger_ too 😉 Have an amazing Friday beautiful people 😘 Much love to you all ❤️ . . 📸 taken by my beautiful friend @dasilva___ 🙏🏽 . . #gratitude #love #peace #blessed #thankful #happy #joy #blackandwhite #photography #art #yoga

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