Top 10 modeles - fitnesa karalienes

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Mūsdienās, kad fitness un veselīgs dzīvesveids ir ļoti aktuāls, par seksīgām var saukt ne tikai modeles, kuras demonstrē dažādus tērpus, bet arī fitnesa modeles. Lūk, 10 seksīgākās fitnesa modeles sociālajā vietnē «Instagram». Vai tev patīk šādi skaistuma parametri?

Today I will be doing #legs ?? - I usually work out later in the day (that's just me lol #vampire), so I made sure I ate right today...without missing meals so that I can get through my workout without hitting a wall! Unpacking my food delivery and meal prep service @macroplate haul -- dishes like, "Spice Roasted Chicken" "Salmon Fig Salad" and even homemade natural "Salted Caramel Pretzel Protein Bars!!" ?? Thank you @macroplate for helping me stay lean and for keeping the temptation monsters away??????? Check out for delivery areas and use my code ALICIA10 for $$ off your order! Now....ONTO THE GYM WOOOO!!! #aliciamarie #body #macrofresh #macroplate #fitfam #bodybuilding #girlswithmuscle #girlswhoworkout #leanladies #girlswithabs #blondehairdontcare #bootybible #fitness #fitspo #motivation

A photo posted by Alicia Marie (@aliciamariebody) on

OMG I'm DRENCHED! ????? Post @plyojam plyo cardio dance class -- nom noms, I am not above posing (and dancing!) with my food ...? Love of my life food delivery service @macroplate sent me "Braised Chicken Curry" with fresh veggies and brown rice ???????? Check out the site - you'll see why its so freaking easy for me to stay lean these diet doesn't feel Like such a "DIE-T" ??? ***Use my CODE ALICIA10 FOR $ off when you order!!!! Eat clean - Train Dirty ❤❤❤ #aliciamarie #plyojam #dancecardio #dancer #bootybible #aliciaapprovedcardio #ifbbpro #model #fitness #motivation #fitfam #girlswithmuscle #bodybuilding #girlswithabs #abs #leanladies #la #mealprep #fooddelivery #dietprep #macroplate #gamerfit #foodie #eatfresh #eatcleantraindirty

A photo posted by Alicia Marie (@aliciamariebody) on

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Ebija Burovsa

Agrāk Ebija spēlēja sieviešu futbola līgā «Legends Football League», un tieši komandas biedrene viņu pierunāja pamēģināt piedalīties fitnesa modeļu sacensībās. Ebija trenējās astoņas nedēļas, līdz uzvarēja pirmajā šovā.

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Keitlina Raisa

Fitnesa trenere, modele un biznesa sieviete Keitlina Raisa ir dzimusi Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, tomēr tagad par savām mājām sauc Britu Kolumbiju. Raisa sāka modeles karjeru 16 gadu vecumā.

Happy #humpday ??

A photo posted by ?Caitlin R.? (@caitlinricefit) on

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Džena Seltere

Fitnesa modeles Dženas Selteres pēcpuse bulvārpresē tiek dēvēta arī par «Instagram» vietnē populārāko pēcpusi. Par viņas auguma aprisēm sajūsminās daudzi.

Drop it like a squat. @squatspo

A photo posted by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on

Do it because they said you couldn't :)

A photo posted by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on

? #Balance check the snapchat ➡️ JenSelter

A photo posted by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on

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Nikija Blaketere

Nikija tiek dēvēta par vienu no seksīgākajām fitnesa modelēm, sociālajā vietnē «Instagram» viņai ir vairāk nekā 400 tūkstoši sekotāju, un skaits turpina pieaugt.

So fresh and so lean, lean. ? #datshowtan

A photo posted by Nikki Blackketter (@nikkiblackketter) on

3 days til showtime. ?? #abgameonpoint #feelingready #ifonlytheylookedlikethis #wheniwasntflexingmyheartout #gymshark @gymshark

A photo posted by Nikki Blackketter (@nikkiblackketter) on

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Peidža Hataveja

Peidža Hataveja ir fitnesa modele no Minesotas, kura ar fitnesu nodarbojas kā hobiju, nevis profesionāli. Sociālajā vietnē «Instagram» viņai ir vairāk nekā divi miljoni sekotāju.

...How ' bout them Yankees!? ? Tag a friend -

A photo posted by @paigehathaway on

No Filter VS Filter DOUBLE TAP IF YOU LOVE GIRLS WITH ABS ? - I always hear people talking about things they want to achieve, but the question is.. How bad do you truly want it and how much are you willing to sacrifice to get there? SUCCESS DOESN'T COME EASY AND IT'S NOT MEANT FOR THE LAZY! When you decide to sacrifice things that you once thought were "important" or are accustomed to - your pride, your pleasures, the parties, the people holding you back.. I swear, the universe will see that you are truly serious about what you want and All of a sudden; (like magic) opportunities will begin to pop up around you. The time we have is limited. The longer you wait, the longer it will be before you reach your goals. You have countless opportunities to make better choices and to increase well-being in your life. Maybe you need a change of priorities.. Maybe you need to regain focus.. Whatever steps you need to take I highly suggest you make a promise to yourself to better your life everyday and to seize this life!

A photo posted by @paigehathaway on

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Britānija Renere

Arī Britānija agrāk bijusi futboliste. Kad viņa pameta šo sporta veidu, viņa kļuva cieši saistīta ar fitnesu. Sociālajā vietnē «Instagram» viņai ir vairāk nekā 800 tūkstoši sekotāju.

Out here in Destin, FL being unbothered lol add me on Snapchat aka Snappy Snap username: Fitthickarmy ? #RespectTheGroceries

A photo posted by Brittany Renner #FitThickArmy (@bundleofbrittany) on

I know I can be if you know better do better! #FitThickArmy #DiamondLife

A video posted by Brittany Renner #FitThickArmy (@bundleofbrittany) on

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Svetlana Biljalova

Krievu fitnesa modele Svetlana Biljalova ir viena no seksīgākajām sievietēm vietnē «Instagram». Viņai seko apmēram divi miljoni cilvēku.

Someone has sinned this weekend?? no mercy today???

A photo posted by @bilyalova_sveta on

A photo posted by @bilyalova_sveta on

A photo posted by @bilyalova_sveta on

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Alise Matosa

Brazīliešu modele Alise Matosa ir ne tikai fitnesa modele, bet viņai pieder arī sava modes apģērbu līnija. Viņa trenējas piecas reizes nedēļā un viens treniņš ilgst apmēram 40 - 50 minūtes.

What workout You would like me To show You next? 1 Arms 2 Back 3 Legs 4 Abs 5 Cardio

A photo posted by Alice Matos (@alicematoss) on

We rock! ???#LABELLAMAFIA SS16 NYC ?@michelle_lewin_ Photo @diogao @labellamafiaworldwide

A photo posted by Alice Matos (@alicematoss) on

be useful. 5 years from now, you will ask yourself what have u done with your life. What goals did you achieve, what have you built until that day. If I can give you any advice it will be: BE USEFUL! Be useful to your family, to your friends, to your community. It doesn't matter how close or far you are from your goals. If in 5 years, when you look back and see that you made something good for other people, you will feel no regret. I hope to be useful for you guys. _______________________________ Seja Útil! Daqui à uns 5 anos, vc vai olhar o que vc fez com sua vida. Quais o objetivos vc alcançou, o que de fato vc construiu até aquele dia. Se eu pudesse te dar algum conselho, ele seria: Seja Útil. Útil à sua família, à seus amigos, à sua comunidade. Não faz diferença o quão longe ou perto vc está de atingir seus objetivos, se quando vc olhar para trás e ver que fez a diferença na vida de alguém, que foi útil. Tenho certeza que não terá nenhum arrependimento. Espero estar sendo útil, de alguma forma na vida de quem me acompanha.

A photo posted by Alice Matos (@alicematoss) on

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Mišela Levina

Mišela ir viena no vispopulārākajām fitnesa modelēm «Instagram» vietnē. Viņas fotogrāfijas atrodamas visā internetā, jo agrāk Mišela bijusi arī populārā vīriešu izdevuma «Playboy» modele.

Semana de biceps en mi otra cuenta: @Michelle_Lewin_????✌?️ ??Biceps week on my main account: @Michelle_Lewin_

A photo posted by Michelle Lewin 2⃣ (@michelle_lewin) on

Gym towel from @bbbosstowels?? ??"Lady in the street / Freak in the gym"?

A photo posted by Michelle Lewin 2⃣ (@michelle_lewin) on

New account @michellelewinfit

A photo posted by Michelle Lewin 2⃣ (@michelle_lewin) on

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