«Victoria’s Secret» eņģeļi gatavojas ziemas kolekcijai

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
Foto: http://instagram.com/victoriassecret

Skaisti, žilbinoši un rotaļīgi foto no «Victoria’s Secret» rudens/ziemas kolekcijas.

Roman Holiday with @alessandraambrosio & @laisribeiro. ❄️??#Rome #BTS #VSHoliday

A photo posted by Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on

Some people make it rain. We make it snow ?. @adrianalima #BTS for #VSHoliday in #Rome. ❄️#SnowAngel

A photo posted by Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on

Just a couple Angels low-key chilling in Rome. @lilyaldridge @behatiprinsloo #NBD #VSHoliday #BTS #regram

A photo posted by Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on

@laisribeiro lighting up the Eternal City. #Rome #BTS #VSHoliday

A photo posted by Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on

Director's eye view of this year's #VSHoliday commercial. ? #BTS #GetExcited

A photo posted by Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on

Glam team goals!!!!! Make up @hungvanngo hair @harryjoshhair #vsholiday @victoriassecret @thelionsny @michaelbay

A photo posted by Sara Sampaio (@sarasampaio) on

Angel posse. What color robe would you wear? #VSHoliday #BTS #regram @alessandraambrosio

A photo posted by Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on

WHOS NOT WEARING A MASK? @laisribeiro @hungvanngo #vsholiday15

A photo posted by Adriana Lima (@adrianalima) on

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