«Time» vāks liek Trampam stāties pretī raudošam bērnam-imigrantam

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Žurnāla «Time» vairākiem numuriem uz vāka bijis attēlots ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps, taču tikai daži ir bijuši tik skandalozi kā jaunākais.

For the first 240 years of U.S. history, at least, our most revered chief executives reliably articulated a set of high-minded, humanist values that bound together a diverse nation by naming what we aspired to: democracy, humanity, equality. The Enlightenment ideals Thomas Jefferson etched onto the Declaration of Independence were given voice by Presidents from George Washington to @barackobama. @realdonaldtrump doesn’t talk like that. In the 18 months since his Inauguration, #Trump has mentioned “democracy” fewer than 100 times, “equality” only 12 times and “human rights” just 10 times. The tallies, drawn from a searchable online agglomeration of 5 million of Trump’s words, contrast with his predecessors’: at the same point in his first term, #RonaldReagan had mentioned equality three times as often in recorded remarks, which included 48 references to human rights, according to the American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Trump embraces a different set of values. He speaks often of #patriotism, albeit in the narrow sense of military duty, or as the kind of loyalty test he’s made to #NFL players. He also esteems religious liberty and economic vitality. But America’s 45th President is “not doing what rhetoricians call that ‘transcendent move,'” says Mary E. Stuckey, a communications professor at Penn State University and author of Defining Americans: The Presidency and National Identity. Instead, with each passing month he is testing anew just how far from our founding humanism his “America first” policies can take us. And over the past two months on our southern border, we have seen the result. Read this week's full cover story on TIME.com. TIME Photo-Illustration. Girl: @jbmoorephoto—@gettyimages; Trump: Thierry Charlier—@afpphoto/@gettyimages, @olivierdouliery—Pool/@gettyimages; animation by @brobeldesign

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Uz sarkana fona ir publicēts izgriezums ar imigrantu ģimenes bērnu, kuru oficiālo fotogrāfiju uzņēmis fotogrāfs Džons Mūrs, iemūžinot ainu, kā divgadīga meitenīte reaģē uz atšķiršanu no mātes. Uz «Time» vāka blakus raudošajai meitenei ir nostādīts Tramps, kurš lūkojas lejup uz bērnu. Attēlam pievienots teksts: «Sveicināti Amerikā» («Welcome to America»).

Attēls ar žurnāla vāku tika publicēts dienu pēc tam, kad Tramps pēc milzīga skandāla un sabiedrības protestiem parakstīja dokumentus, lai apturētu viņa administrācijas politiku nošķirt imigrantu bērnus no viņu ģimenēm pie ASV robežas. Iepriekšējā Trampa politika ir izraisījusi lielu pretestību no neskaitāmiem cilvēkiem, nosodot viņa motīvus.

«Time» iepriekš ir attēlojis Trampu dažādos veidos, tostarp kā prezidents lūkojas uz sevi spogulī kā karali, taču neviens attēls nav bijis ar tik skaidri saprotamu kontekstu kā šis, apšaubot ASV prezidenta politisko morāli.

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