Sieviete, kura pirms gada pārstāja skūties, lepni izrāda fotogrāfijas
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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.

Fitnesa blogere Morgana Mikenasa (Morgan Mikenas) tīmeklī publicējusi attēlus, ar kuriem atklāj, kāpēc pirms viena gada viņa pārtrauca atbrīvoties no sava ķermeņa apmatojuma.

Morgana Mikenasa pēdējo reizi skuvekli rokās paņēma 2016. gadā un šobrīd sociālajā vietnē «Instagram» viņa lepni dalījusies ar vairākām fotogrāfijām, ar kurām izrāda savu apmatojumu gan uz kājām, gan padusēs.

Morgana atklājusi, ka ķermeņa apmatojums liek viņai justies daudz seksīgākai, turklāt arī viņas draugs uzskata, ka meitene ir ļoti skaista. Jauniete stāsta, ka pārtrauca skūties, jo vēlējās izcelt savu dabīgo skaistumu, kā arī iedrošināt citus cilvēkus darīt tāpat.

«Tas aizņēma tik daudz laika, lai dotos dušā un visu noskūtu, kā arī izmazgātu matus un pēc tam nomazgātu ķermeni,» viņa stāsta.

«Es vēlos, lai ikviens nekaunas no sevis. Kāpēc gan man vajadzētu atbrīvoties no kaut kā, ko devusi māte daba?»


"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty."~Steve Maraboli ?✨ Not just woman, but everyone! Imagine if everyone just decided that today was the day they loved themselves and embraced every part of them selves. Accepting and loving your body and your "flaws" because you know they are what makes you who you are. If you are focused on being true to yourself in every moment, you are less concerned what others think, which will lead to peace of mind. When you have nothing to hide and you can freely be yourself, there is a profound peace/confidence you will emanate to the world that will inspire others. ✨???I also just posted a new YouTube video on why I don't shave my body hair and how it helped me(link in bio)☺ #bodypositive #spreadlove #behappy #namaste #hairywomen #healing #healthylifestyle #selfcare #loveyourself #beyourself #bethechange #divine #inspireothers #inspirationalquotes #positivity #goodvibesonly #lifeisbeautiful #hairy #gratitude #weareone #higherconsciousness #freespirit #empowerment #smile #feelgood

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Social media has such a great potential to spread love/positivity and create a positive communication link to people all over the world. But sadly, a lot of the time it is a battle ground where insults fly back and forth. Spreading hatred for entertainment.. Words have the potential to heal or to hurt. People don't realize how damaging social media can really be if used this way. It can destroy a persons self esteem and a persons sense of self worth. But on a positive note, I have connected with some really awesome people because of social media. Despite all the negativity that comes with it, there comes so much positivity/inspiration also. I am just feeling very thankful today for all of you who choose to spread kindness and uplift me and others every single day. I am so proud to have connected with like minded individuals who do what they love everyday and genuinely care. I appreciate you and I'm sure others do too. Thank you?✨???#positivity #spreadlove #bethechange #selflove #gratitude #namaste #iloveyou #thankful #weareone #onelove #thankyou #changetheworld #alldoneup #nofilter #happystpattys

A post shared by Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie) on

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