Viņa ir 7 bērnu mamma, taču viņas vecumu uzminēt nespēj neviens!

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
Foto: Ekrānuzņēmums

Džesika Enslova no Jūtas štata ASV par māmiņu savam pirmajam bērnam kļuva 19 gadu vecumā. Šobrīd viņa ir 43 gadus veca un mamma septiņiem bērniem. Lai arī grūtniecības nopietni ietekmē sievietes ķermeni, viņa ir iemācījusies uzturēt savi labā fiziskajā formā.

Par māmiņu septītajam bērnam Enslova kļuva 2013. gadā. Pēc dzemdībām viņa saprata, ka nevēlas, lai liekais svars ietekmētu viņas dzīvi, tāpēc centās mainīt ikdienas paradumus.

The ship has sailed ⛵️ on a 2018 New Year’s post for me, ??‍♀️ but I’ll spare you my year in review, as I’m sure we’ve all seen at least 200-300 years worth of people’s lives in the past few days! ? And so here we find ourselves on a #transformationtuesday & yes, I know I’m 9 months pregnant & in labor with @codyenslow on the left, but as I’ve said before, anyone who thinks pregnancy transformations don’t count probably has never given birth! Not only do you often gain some extra fat, but a woman’s uterus stretches to 500 times it’s normal size, and then returns to its normal size within about a month! Yes, our bodies are so resilient, especially when we take care of them. I’ve realized that if you find something you love, you’re more likely to stick with it! I now know I pretty much hate plyometrics & running, but I love #weighttraining & #cardio on the elliptical. I’m done following the trends & fads that come & go. Thanks to @shaneheugly I know that any form of cardio will work & luckily for me, weight lifting will help sculpt & shape your physique nicely. ?? Here’s to achieving our goals in 2018! Happy New Year friends! ?♥️ • • • • • • #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitmums #fitmamas #fitmoms #transformations #weightlosstips #trainlikeagirl #loveyourselfmore #abworkout #armworkout #fitspo #utahfitfam #utah #utahfitness #howtoloseweight #antiaging #postpartum #countingmacros #momswholift #momlife #pregnantlife #beachbody #bikinibody #glowup #bodyafterbaby #girlsgonesporty

A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on

Tika izmēģinātas vairākas diētas un kardiotreniņi, taču tikai 2017. gada sākumā Džesika saprata, ka jāveic daudz nopietnākas pārmaiņas. Viņa pievērsās fitnesam un kādreiz iemīļoto «Nutella» krēmu iemainīja pret sabalansētu uzturu.

Lai arī brīvais laiks joprojām ir nopietna problēma, šobrīd Enslova veic ne tikai kardiotreniņus, bet arī spēka vingrinājumus. Trīs reizes nedēļā, kamēr bērni ir skolā, kopā ar vīru viņa apmeklē trenažieru zāli, savukārt kardiotreniņus veic pirmdienu rītos, pirms pārējie ir pamodušies.

Dzīvesveida maiņa ietekmējusi ne tikai viņas fizisko formu, bet arī izskatu. Nereti cilvēki netic, ka Džesika ir 43 gadus veca, turklāt māmiņa septiņiem bērniem. Izejot sabiedrībā kopā ar meitu, bieži vien cilvēki domā, ka abas ir māsas.

Savas ikdienas gaitas Enslova lepni izrāda arī sociālajā vietnē «Instagram», kur brīžos, kad trūkst motivācijas, smeļas arī iedvesmu.

My #transformation has been a lot more than just physical the past 23 years. The girl on the left was so excited to be a mother, but had no idea what lied ahead. My kids were definitely the highs in my life for many years, but the lows got pretty low. There were many days & years I thought I was in a living hell I would never escape. Low self-esteem & fear kept me in my place. Nursing school forced me out of it. I had to extend myself to others daily when I was pretty much an introvert at the time. Getting out in the workforce taught me that I could care for myself & kids if I needed to. I learned to believe in myself & found the confidence to change things, and by so doing, found a lot more happiness & peace. ? Life isn’t all roses now for me, but the girl on the right has learned when we take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and make sure we are in healthy relationships, wonders can take place. I dreaded getting older throughout my life, but not anymore. I love that I know my worth & am surrounded by the most amazing people. Know YOUR worth! Love yourself! Take care of yourself! For it is only then that you’re able to help others ♥️ • • • • • • • #transformationtuesday #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitmums #fitmamas #fitmoms #transformations #weightlosstips #trainlikeagirl #loveyourselfmore #weighttraining #cardio #abworkout #armworkout #fitspo #utahfitfam #utah #utahfitness #howtoloseweight #antiaging #timeless #countingmacros #momswholift #momlife #eternallove #beachbody #bikinibody #bikiniprep #girlsgonesporty

A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on

I've gotten a lot of comments lately asking how do I handle having SEVEN KIDS??! ? Well, let me tell you, since school has started I feel like a chicken with my head cut off!!! ?? I didn't even make it to the gym ONCE this week yet ??? But I honestly feel like my life is finally getting easier, in general, now than after having only ONE kid! Why? 1) My youngest is pretty much potty trained 2) I have older kids to help me 3) I have an amazing support system between my husband, his parents and my parents ☺️♥️ 4) I am more mature than my 20-year-old self and know what comes with the territory ??????‍♀️??????❤️..... But in terms of maintaining my physique while significantly reducing my workouts? I am a little softer, yes, but I am actually shocked at the difference between hardly working out the past 3 months versus a year ago when the same thing happened and I lost a ton of progress. I credit my change in eating habits to @shaneheugly my fitness coach & taking my @warriorfuel_supps HERS #preworkout {code: jessicafit} which has helped SO much with controlling my appetite and keeping my metabolism up! ?? I know I've said this a million times, but truly, I can't credit a workout regimen at the moment, other than my recent training with Shane. I'm hoping I'll settle into a routine soon and be able to get into the gym more regularly. I want it more than you know, but family does come first & everyone's schedules are so staggered, it's been difficult to manage it at this point. HAPPY FRIDAY LOVES! Enjoy your weekend!! ♥️??

A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on

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