Mēnesi pēc dzemdībām aktrise Nikija Rīda nodemonstrē perfektu figūru

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.

Tikai pirms mēneša aktrise Nikija Rīda pirmo reizi kļuva par māmiņu. Divdesmit deviņus gadus vecā aktrise sociālajā vietnē «Instagram» publiskojusi attēlu, kurā redzama kopā ar brāli nodarbojamies ar jogu.

Fotogrāfiju zvaigzne parakstīja ļoti dīvainā veidā, daudzi Nikijas fani nesaprata joku, bet tikpat daudzi pārmeta sievietei vulgaritāti.

"Hey brother stay away from my uterus." Totally normal thing to say to your brother postpartum ? Also ?cred...our Mom. She still thinks everything we do is super cool. Thanks mom. Ps This might make me feel like a badass but if you know Acro-yoga, you'll see it's really just a basic stretch. Can't do much yet, but while I wait and recover, I might as well do things that make me feel like superwoman with my big bro :). Thanks for the sweet afternoon Boog, I can't wait to get back into some serious moves with you❤️?? #Repost @nathanaugustreed ・・・ More stretches and rejuvenating postures. #Teamwork. This time with my beautiful, loving, caring sister who is now a proud mother of a gorgeous little girl. This easy pose stretches her hips, triceps and even her abdomen, which are of course still in repair mode. Of all the postures, there were a few that really felt amazing for her. This was one of them. Can you believe how amazing she looks? I swear she's already in proper shape to join me for the San Diego Triathalon next month...

A post shared by Nikki Reed (@iamnikkireed) on

Rīda rakstīja - hei, brāli, turies pa gabalu no manas dzemdes – šo frāzi ir pilnīgi normāli teikt savam brālim pēc dzemdībām!

Fani neizprata sievietes ierakstu, bet novērtēja viņas vizuālās pārvērtības jeb atgriešanos pirmsdzemdību ārējā veidolā.

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