Kā selfiji palīdz notievēt? Lūdzu, dzīvs piemērs - mīnus 57 kilogrami

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Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
Foto: Ekrānšāviņš

Šai 31 gadus vecajai sievietei notievēt palīdzēja nekas cits kā ... ikdienas selfiju uzņemšana!

Justīne savā dzīvē piedzīvoja lielu traģēdiju - pāragri no dzīves šķīrās viņas vīrs. Protams, jaunā sieva ieslīga depresijā un pārstāja domāt par savu izskatu. Justīne svēra 130 kg. Tomēr pēc triju mēnešu sērām viņas ģimenei izdevās jauno sievieti pierunāt uz fiziskām aktivitātēm sporta zālē. Kad sāka zust liekais svars, Justīnē pamodās cerība, ka dzīve var turpināties, esot skaistai!

Viņa izlēma, ka svara zaudēšanu iemūžinās ikdienas pašbildēs, kas viņai neļāva atslābt un palīdzēja saglabāt disciplīnu.

«Selfiji mani iedvesmoja, un tie bija acīm redzami rezultāti, uz ko es gāju,» Caters News komentē Justīne.

Protams, arī sportiskās aktivitātes bija ilgs un smags darbs - līdz pat 6 reizēm nedēļā, lai meitene izskatītos šādi.

Cik kilogramu var zaudēt, šo procesu kontroli uzticot ikdienas selfijiem? 57 kilogramus!

I remember a time...before losing weight where I was afraid of loose skin, smaller boobs and stretch marks. I was afraid of anything but perfection. I realized quickly...those were the loud whispers of insecurity. For years my mind held me back from doing the work. Today...my body is anything but perfection...but I keep on keeping on. Sure I've lost a lot of weight...but I what I've truly gained are my wildest dreams, self love and real happiness! 💖#ichoosetolive #keepgoing #limitless #happiness #progressnotperfection #bebrave #teamjonnystraws #neverfail #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter #fitspiration #fitness #fitmom #mystrongmoment #bestself #chicksthatlift #strong #limitless #girlswithmuscle #gymlife #fitlife #selfconfidence #transformation #weightlifting #cardiocatastrophe

A post shared by Justine #ichoosetolive (@hairstargetsfit) on

It was April 1st, 2015 and I had had...enough. Enough of feeling like I wasn’t worthy of love, that I looked and felt disgusting, enough of being trapped in a body that truly didn’t feel like mine. And all of it was tied to a self inflicted image I so freely had given myself. I had just lived through one of the most traumatic experiences a person can endure and there I was thinking...I was the monster. On that April day, at the urging of one of my best friends...I walked into the gym and managed to get my out of shape carcass on the elliptical for 60 minutes. Afterwards, in my car...I sent a very red faced selfie to her, proving I could indeed do it, just as she had always encouraged. What would unfold over the next 3 years would be a life altering experience of self discovery. Losing 100+ lbs was the easy part. As if I was numb to feeling anything but my desire to change; to live. My trauma had propelled me forward, my motivation was on fire, my discipline on point. I’ve learned nothing but valuable lessons since then. There isn’t any specific way to do this. Motivation will always fleeting. Setbacks are devastating and yet inevitable. I’ve lost and gained and re lost. I’ve played the yo yo game and I’ve fought harder than ever before to maintain and keep what I had worked so hard for. I dreamt of becoming who I am today and I refuse to let it all go. For the last two months I have been very quietly working hard at finding my balance and daily rhythm all while dealing with injuries. Yet, here I am...feeling better than I have in a long time. I feel free. I didn’t set out to be an Instagram influencer, but if I could leave you with anything it is this; Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing or how you’re feeling...know that your next chapter isn’t written or pre determined. You have the power to invest yourself into change, into happiness. There isn’t one narrow path. And if you find that you are struggling...emotionally, mentally, physically, never lose your perspective. Always keep your why. Your intention and the desire that got you started...is always there. Keep going. ✨ #IChooseToLive #TransformationTuesday

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HERES HOW I LOST OVER -100lbs WITHOUT products, gimmicks, trainers ect because transformation is one hell of a thing to do. Don’t ever feel bad for being overwhelmed with how far you have to go or the work that has to be done. That is normal. I spent YEARS overweight. Feeling hopeless, Yo-Yo dieting, starting over and over again because I would would lose motivation and eating an entire pizza sounded a lot better than feeling uncomfortable in the gym. But in reality I let that uncomfortable feeling rule my life. I never felt good. Lethargy ruled my life. So what changed? A lot of things. But, I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I started going to the gym. I used the elliptical cardio machine 5 days a week for 45-60 mins. In addition to that...I also started hiking. I incorporated outdoor activities into my lifestyle. I ALWAYS kept body moving. I cut out ALL junk food. Anything that was overly “processed” never made it onto my plate. I didn’t buy into products geared for weight loss. Most of my meals were fresh from the fridge. High in protein and vegetables. I didn’t go completely carb free...but I was mindful of what I did consume. I read every nutritional label. If I went to a restaurant I would check online for their nutritional value content. I asked waiters to make substitutions. I quit drinking alcohol and I carried a gallon water jug wherever I went. I never went to bed hungry. Sometimes I would have a handful of chicken prior to sleeping if I felt I wanted to eat more. This all resulted in -126lbs lost in under a year. And I DEFINITELY burned out at one point. I have struggled with binge eating and have fought to maintain my weight loss. But one thing has never changed....I don’t ever want to feel sick and tired again. My desire to live life to its fullest is my never ending motivation. I don’t always want to get up at 5am to go to the gym or go after work....but I do what I can. I learned my solace comes during outdoor activities and it’s been the best way to stay happy and healthy for me. Just know...there is always a way and all it takes is YOU, nothing else. ❤️ #IChooseToLive #transformationtuesday

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